Frank Horvat has been successfully exploring states of the human condition in contemporary times…Here his message is clear: music is an important tool in raising the level of positivity and hope on this planet as well as in our individual lives. Change is possible. – Ivana Popovic, WholeNote Magazine
I Am Who I Am Records is proud to present, Fractures, a new song cycle album of music by Canadian composer Frank Horvat, performed by soprano Meredith Hall and pianist Brahm Goldhamer.
Fractures is an expansive song cycle that draws its inspiration from the environmentally detrimental practice of hydraulic fracking. Each song possesses its own unique narrative, yet collectively, the cycle weaves a compelling story, presenting different perspectives by twelve Canadian and American poets. As a result, there is a diversity of styles and themes, with recurring motifs of fire and water serving as integral threads to unify the work.
Fracking often lingers on the periphery of discussions surrounding energy options, given the perception that natural gas offers a ‘cleaner’ alternative to other fossil fuels. However, delving deeper reveals the staggering resources and chemicals required for fracking, as well as the heart-wrenching impact on both the land and the communities residing near these operations. This song cycle humanizes the issue by sharing varying perspectives and stories.
The cycle leads listeners through a revelatory journey, including with three epic songs, from ‘Digging’, to ‘Prophecy’, then ‘Homeland Security’, and with many emotional (and musical) twists along the way.